Customer Feedback Optimization Platform

Cupcake is a complete customer feedback optimization platform for enterprise businesses. It leverages the power of AI to summarize and prioritize your customer feedback.

Hero Illustration
Cupcake Features

Customer Feedback is Essential!

Cupcake centralizes your customer feedback from a variety of sources so you can focus on maximum value creation.


Highlight your benefits

You can use this space to highlight your first benefit or a feature of your product. It can also contain an image or Illustration like in the example along with some bullet points.

Understand your customers

Then explain the first point breifly in one or two lines.

Improve acquisition

Here you can add the next benefit point.

Drive customer retention

This will be your last bullet point in this section.


Offer more benefits here

You can use this same layout with a flip image to highlight your rest of the benefits of your product. It can also contain an image or Illustration as above section along with some bullet points.

Mobile Responsive Template

Nextly is designed as a mobile first responsive template.

Powered by Next.js & TailwindCSS

This template is powered by latest technologies and tools.

Dark & Light Mode

Nextly comes with a zero-config light & dark mode.

Watch a video

Learn how to fullfil your needs

This section is to highlight a promo or demo video of your product. Analysts says a landing page with video has 3% more conversion rate. So, don't forget to add one. Just like this.


Here's what our customers said

Testimonials is a great way to increase the brand trust and awareness. Use this section to highlight your popular customers.

Share a real testimonial that hits some of your benefits from one of your popular customer.

Sarah Steiner
VP Sales at Google

Make sure you only pick the right sentence to keep it short and simple.

Dylan Ambrose
Lead marketer at Netflix

This is an awesome landing page template I've seen. I would use this for anything.

Gabrielle Winn
Co-founder of Acme Inc

Frequently Asked Questions

Answer your customers possible questions here, it will increase the conversion rate as well as support or chat requests.

Ready to try-out this template?

Don't let your visitors see a poor landing.

Cupcake is a complete customer feedback optimization platform for enterprise businesses. It leverages the power of AI to summarize and prioritize your customer feedback.
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